Monday, February 18, 2013

Inquiry and Project Based Learning

Hello, over the course I will be talking about inquiry and project based learning. Listed below is a little overview of what they are all about.

Inquiry Based Learning:
  • Inquiry based learning is based on a more hands on approach, seeking the truth in questions, finding out what happens if this is done. Inquiry based approach is great in Science classes but could also be used in other subjects. In science projects, students can use the inquiry based method very often throughout their project.
  • Project based learning is based on activity learning. Activities that engage their motivation and interests is the root target of all learning. They are based on answering a question and solve a problem that reflects the different types of learning. This is great because it includes skills such as communication, presentation skills, organization and time management skills.

As a future Special Educator, these different kinds of approaches could be helpful to my classroom. 
Throughout this blog I will be exploring the subject ELA. As I develop my unit plan, you will be able to see how the use of Reading will provoke students interest in the subject. Tied into this subject will be other subjects such as science and history.


  1. Great Job at designing this crative blog. I love how you organized and gave such great detail in all your work. I look forword to your future blogs.

  2. hahaha this blog is a perfect representation of you; the background, colors, everything. looking forward to future post.

  3. Your blog is very inviting. I look forward to see how you explore ELA! I see many possibilities for incorporating inquiry and project based learning.


  4. Excellent! I like how you explained it all in an informative, yet concise way. And I also agree that your blog is cute and inviting. Thanks for sharing!

